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Totale video: 58
52:02 The illumination of the invisible, a century of X-culture

The illumination of the invisible, a century of X-culture

03:45 ITEP, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Russia

ITEP, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Russia

11:26 LHC - Il carosello per risalire nel tempo

LHC - Il carosello per risalire nel tempo

06:56 Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility

Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility

04:26 I dipoli di HERA

I dipoli di HERA

20:46 Tumor therapy with heavy ions at GSI

Tumor therapy with heavy ions at GSI

30:32 Quantum | The search for gravity waves

Quantum | The search for gravity waves

11:11 Niobium Bar - Gravitational Wave Antenna

Niobium Bar - Gravitational Wave Antenna

04:03 Generating a proton

Generating a proton

15:58 GANIL | Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds

GANIL | Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds

10:42 GALLEX | Gallium Experiment at Gran Sasso

GALLEX | Gallium Experiment at Gran Sasso

15:02 Faisceaux d'ions lourds, collisions nucleaires et macrophysique du noyau

Faisceaux d'ions lourds, collisions nucleaires et macrophysique du noyau

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